It’s OK to Stop Hustling

For all those suffering from self-help exhaustion and achievement guilt …

Fiona Cameron Lister


Photo by Johnson Wang on Unsplash

There’s nothing like a motivational video to make you feel inadequate.

My feed is full of shouty people lecturing me. I bet yours is too.

First off, they tell you you’re not earning enough. You should be on $1million-a-year by now for God’s sake. This sorry state of affairs is very easily remedied by buying a course on becoming a one-person brand, finding your tribe, publishing atomic essays on social media about the minutiae of your life and automating posts on X (Twitter). Then just turn these into courses telling people like you how to make a million a year and there you have it.

If your body is letting you down in some way then there are plenty of people who will share their wisdom on exercising more, eating better, and using mind power to cure yourself. For example, I am trying to heal my inconveniently injured right hand by using my willpower, commanding my body to get a grip and become a wellness-making machine. For good measure I am applying comfrey and potato poultices and listening to healing meditations. I am clearly not trying hard enough, judging by the negligible results, but I will do better.



Fiona Cameron Lister

Experienced British writer/copywriter in Italy | MWC semi-finalist| Loves words, history, humour, unusual subjects| Contact: